Nkechi Taifa, Esq
Why Work with Us >

"Atty. Taifa is blessed with the rare ability to connect with leaders and constituencies from a broad range of circles, from community-based, grassroots organizations, to the halls of Congress to the White House in pursuit of a righteous cause."
Ron Daniels
Nkechi Taifa is available to assist you in meeting your goals - whether as keynote or plenary speaker, workshop facilitator, moderator or panelist - Taifa in her various capacities as attorney, activist, author or educator - has the expertise and skills to empower your audience. Taifa's motivational speaking is captivating. Her customized, innovative and interactive presentations are accentuated by her high energy and creative style. Her strategic consultations and expert technical assistance have optimized outcomes in academic, corporate, legal and community settings.
Taifa specializes in topics at the intersections of justice, race, legacy, and empowerment.
Let Nkechi Taifa help empower you, your institution or company, or your membership as your next:
For high level events, please consider booking through
All American Entertainment (AAE) Speakers Talent Booking Agency
For decades Nkechi has mesmerized audiences as keynote speaker, moderator, panelist, lecturer or interviewee on behalf of the following organizations, institutions, companies and media outlets:
Alliance of National Minority Law Enforcement Associations
American Association of Law Schools
American Civil Liberties Union
American Constitution Society
American University Washington College of Law
Amnesty International
Baltimore Jewish Council
Behind the Cycle
BET Live with Tavis Smiley
BET TV Our Voices
Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
Black Power Chronicles
Black Psychiatrists of America
Black Radical Congress
Black Voices for Peace
Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth
CATO Institute
Center for American Progress
Charles Hamilton Houston Preparatory Law Institute
Charles Koch Institute
CNN and Company
Congressional Black Associates
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Council of State Governments
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants
Department of Veterans Affairs
D.C. Bar District of Columbia Affairs Section
D.C. Bar Section on Criminal Law & Individual Rights
Drug Policy Alliance
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Executives' Alliance of Boys and Men of Color
Fox Morning News
George Mason University
George Washington University Law School
Georgetown University Law School
Harambee Internet Radio & TV
Harvard Law School
Howard University School of Law
Howard University
Institute for Public Accuracy
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
International Concerned Families and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington
Maryland Legal Services Partnership
NAACP-Legal Defense Fund
National African American Drug Policy Coalition
National Alliance Against Homelessness
National Alliance of Incar & Formerly Incarcerated Women & Girls
National Association of Black Journalists
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Association for Public Interest Law
National Bar Association
National Black Caucus of State Legislators
National Black Law Students Association
National Black Police Association
National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America
National Conference of Black Lawyers
National Conference of State Legislators
National Convocation on Jail and Prison Ministry
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Lawyers Guild
National Legal Aid & Defender Association
National Women's Law Center
National Voting Rights Institute
NewsTalk TV
New York University Law School
Peace and Justice Foundation
People's Congregational Church
People's University on the Mall - 30th Anniversary March on Wash.
Phelps Career Senior High School
Redeem the Dream Policy Institute
Roland Martin News One Now
Sackler Museum
Sankofa Conference
Shirley Chisholm Presidential Accountability Commission
South African Broadcasting Company
St. Thomas University Law School (MN)
Town of Bladensburg, MD
United Black Community
University of California - Berkeley
University of Connecticut School of Law
University of the District of Columbia
UDC David A. Clarke School of Law
University of North Carolina School of Law
University of Pennsylvania Law School
University of Virginia School of Law
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington Association of Black Journalists
Washington Council of Lawyers
Washington Bar Association
Washington Office on Africa
WDCA-TV "Making a Difference"
WHUT Evening Exchange
Women's Legal Defense Fund
Yale Law School
"Black Resistance Matters" Award, from the Malcolm X Commemoration Committee, 2017
“Equal Justice" Award from the UDC David A. Clarke School of Law, 2017
Dad’s Award from Hope House, 2016
Wiley Branton Award from the National Bar Association, 2016
Legacy Award from the Institute of the Black World 21st Century 2016
Marcus Garvey Outstanding Community Service Award, Universal Negro Improvement Assn,
December 2015
Cornelius "Neil" Alexander Humanitarian Award from the DC Commission on Human Rights, December 2015
Wiley Branton Award from Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights & Urban Affairs, June 2014
“Umoja Award,” from the National Black United Front, 2014
“Certificate of Achievement for Outstanding Advocacy” from Congresswoman Maxine Waters, September 2011
Recognition Award from "Crack the Disparity" Working Group,
September 2010
President's Award
Washington Council of Lawyers
December 2005
African Consciousness Award (Kwanzaa)
United Black Community
December 2003
Featured in WCL News Forum, official newsletter of Washington Council of Lawyers
August 21, 2001
Distinguished Faculty Award, from President and Provost of Howard University
April 17, 2001
Certificade De Participacion, Universidad de la Habana, "Sociedad y Derecho en Cuba"
March 23, 2001
Warren Rosmarian Award for Excellence in Teaching and Service, presented by Howard University School of Law
May 2000
"Professor of the Year," presented by Howard Law School Student Bar Association
May 2000
"Walking the Walk" Award, presented by Black Law Students Association Legislative Watch
May 1999
Certificate of Appreciation
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
February 1999
Certificate of Appreciation
ABA Law Students Division
"Who's Who in American Law"
9th Edition, 1996-97
"Outstanding Social Engineer Award for Invaluable Assistance and Tireless Dedication of Continuing the Legacy of Howard University School of Law," presented by the H.U. Law Student Bar Association'
April 3, 1996
"Pro Bono Publico Award" for outstanding performance of H.U.'s Public Service Program, presented by Pro Bono Students America at the American Bar Association's Pro Bono Conference
April 13, 1996
Profiled in Legal Times, "Guide to Key Lobbyists - Criminal Justice Scorecard: An Insider's Guide to the Major Players"
August 9, 1993
"Motor Voter" Coalition Award for Enactment of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993
May 25, 1993
"Hobson, King, Parks, Dougla, Heutte" Award for Legislative Advocacy on Behalf of D.C. Statehood
December 1, 1993
Profiled in National Journal, "Interest Groups"
​October 26, 1991